The Cherokee have a legend about two wolves which live inside all of us:
The story goes that there is an ongoing battle between these wolves. One wolf is dark and feeds on anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other wolf is light and lives on joy, peace, hope, humility, kindness and truth.
The eternal question: Which wolf is stronger?
The answer is whichever wolf you feed.
This beautiful legend reminds us that we have a choice in every moment of our lives as to which wolf we feed and sustain inside of us... but there is so much more to this story!
If we take this legend one step further, we can simplify all of life into the ultimate polarity expressions of Love and Fear: Love holds the constructive energy of the light wolf: Joy, peace, hope, humility, kindness, truth. While Fear holds the deconstructive energy of the dark wolf: Anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, ego.
Love and Fear are present in all of us. Indeed, to be human is to exist in a state of flux between these polarities, our ever-present catalysts creating the tension of opposites which offers us remarkable opportunities for our growth and development.
“To be human is to exist in a state of flux between Love and Fear”
Taking the good with the bad
Consider the annual seasonal cycle as an extension of this metaphor: Spring and Summer are constructive energies of new birth and growth while Autumn and Winter are deconstructive energies of declining growth, death, and decay, which then make way for the next season of renewal and growth and so forth.
As much as we may favor a particular season, we know it is futile to wish for a perpetual summer or ceaseless winter. So too, wishing for only the Light wolf to exist within is futile. The infinitely more important meaning behind this legend of the two wolves is to become aware of everything having a place in our life, even if we do not understand it at the time. As much as we have a choice about which wolf we feed, we are also asked to find clarity about what exists, as it is, not just as would we wish it to be.
“Find clarity about what exists, as it is, not as we would wish it to be.”
This awareness gives us the opportunity to open to even deeper levels of forgiveness and acceptance. This is the ultimate state of grace in which all polarities of Love and Fear cease and a oneness with God (or the Divine Source) and our Higher Self, is attained.
How can you apply this legend to your life in a practical way today?
The Pause
Awareness is key to applying the lesson of the two wolves to your life.
When we are aware and present we can learn to identify which polarity - Love, or Fear - is functioning in our lives at any given moment by listening to our body's messages. We can then respond consciously or to act rather than react, to a situation or issue.
The Pause is a technique designed to bring you consciously into the moment via your physical senses. Find out more about The Pause here.
Feeding the wolf; Listening to your body
Here is a technique for listening to your body's messages, and applying the lesson of the two wolves:
1: Choose a situation or issue you would like further inner clarity with
2: Begin by centering yourself in the present moment using The Pause
3: Once present and centered, consider the issue or situation at hand. Also consider any possible motivations or intentions around it.
4: Notice how your body responds as you think about your issue.
Does your body tighten up or constrict anywhere? Do you find yourself becoming more uncomfortable or tense than before? Any changes in breath or any other physical reactions? Or do you feel more comfortable? More open or clear?
Your guide is whether your body is opening up and relaxing or closing down and tensing.
Simply put, is your body giving you a yes or a no sensation?You might feel no major difference either way, which is the equivalent of a neutral body response.
5: Now consider the options that are available to you to bring resolution to your situation. Imagine you are trying on each one as you would a new item of clothing. Checking for a good fit and a feeling of expansion and comfort in your body.
Be sure to keep your head out of the equation; the mind is happy to chime in with all manner of comments about what you should be experiencing. We are listening for the body's truth, not the head's presumptions.
Moving out of your comfort zone
Often, when we get a response which will require us to move out of our comfort zone or confront a difficult issue, we will be more resistant to hearing our inner guidance.
This exercise is designed to tap into your inner truth. Once you begin listening to yourself, it becomes more difficult to ignore what you know is true for you, despite the seeming potential challenges it may bring.
Whether you feel a yes, no, or neutral sensation in your body, an important part of the process of acceptance is acknowledging what is. Much energy is wasted by resisting what we are thinking and feeling about something and then making decisions from a reactive place rather than a conscious active position.
“As you find acceptance with the two wolves, you gain a deeper sense of grace in your life.”
Slowly as you find understanding and acceptance with the inner wolves, your conscious choice becomes clearer, easier and louder than ever before. It is this balance which brings an improved state of harmony, connection and a deeper sense of Divine grace into your life.