Globally we spend a fortune in time, effort and resources acquiring more wealth and more security but what if we shifted our focus to investing just as much into our wellbeing?
Nowadays, everything is faster, bigger and more developed. Not surprisingly so are our sustainability concerns, our debts, our health issues and our stress levels.
Ironically, the more connected we are through our technological advancements, the more disconnected we become in our interpersonal relationships. A true sign of the times.
Many have headed for the hills in response, exchanging the challenges of the developed world with a quieter life off the grid and, although this may appeal to some, it is certainly not a solution for everyone.
For the rest of us, it becomes less about dumping the trappings of our demanding lives and more about learning to keep peace with what matters most through it all.
In our incredibly fast-paced and complex times, the idea of valuing Sacred Living as much as we value wealth or security is fast becoming a necessity and not a luxury.
What is Sacred Living?
“Sacred Living can be defined as the art of living a blessed or sacred life; a deep sense of connection, wellbeing, inner balance and peace, vitality and fulfilment.
To understand the concept of Sacred Living, we need to first consider that as human beings we are by our nature habitual creatures.
Ask any mother who has had her child's daily routine upset and she'll tell you how her domestic world threatened to fall apart that day. We’ve all experienced being cranky when our sleep cycle has been disturbed or our eating pattern disrupted.
To varying degrees, when there is change of any kind we have a break in our flow. The energy we normally use to run our well-honed systems then often requires twice as much energy to get going again when we have experienced some kind of spanner in the works.
Consequently, we have come to accept that routines and lifestyle systems help keep our lives running smoothly and we comfortably recognise the benefits of accepted maintenance disciplines like brushing our teeth or servicing our cars regularly.
But the question is, how much importance do we place on the habitual practice of creating a Sacred Life? How often do we allow ourselves to develop and connect with what matters most to us, beyond the distractions of our daily cares?
We instinctively thrive on the discipline of routine practices and the art of Sacred Living is intrinsically a lifestyle practice.
The Triple A’s of Creating a Sacred Life
Creating a Sacred life can be simplified into three powerful steps: Analyse, Aspire and Act.
1. Analyse
To chart your course towards a more Sacred Life you need to first make an honest assessment of your life as it currently stands.
It may be helpful for you to break your life into the following quadrants:
- Relationships: Family, Friends & Community
- Work, Financial & Career
- Intellectual Stimulation
- Creativity & Play
- Spirituality & Sense of Purpose
- Rest & Sleep
- Good Nutrition & Exercise
A balanced & fulfilled life has an impeccable flow of Sacredness running through it. Everyone will have areas which need more attention than others and your first step is to be aware of where these areas are.
2. Aspire
Once you have made your assessments, imagine that you have a magic wand which you can wave over your current problem areas and transform them into your perfect life. Allow yourself to dream! The further you aim, the greater your opportunities expand. Once you've charted your dreams, spend time breaking your plan into what would be manageable and achievable steps. Remember that each quadrant is equally important to maintain the balance in your life.
3. Act
The final step in creating a Sacred Life is taking disciplined routine action to manifest your dreams. The trick is to know that somedays your motivation is limitless, while other days you are lucky to get out of bed! Working with where you are in consistent steps, even if they are micromovements, will ultimately help you to make the progress you are seeking.
“As with anything of value, the art of Sacred Living is a lifestyle program which needs time and practice to be integrated into your life successfully
Should you wish to explore this further, Innate Healing offers a Sacred Living course available in 3 different formats (group facilitation, corporate wellness and e-course). The course will guide you in an effective and accessible way toward creating the space and lifestyle practices needed to thrive through Sacred Living!