In the demands of daily life, we spend so much time in our heads thinking about the past or the future, often not fully present or even aware in the moment. As a result we become scattered or disconnected from ourselves and our lives.
The Value of a Deeper Connection
“When we become disconnected, we lose touch with our inner guidance systems. Similar to losing GPS signal when trying to navigate somewhere
Consequently, we battle to access that innately powerful part of ourselves which knows at all times, like a GPS system, where we are, where we want to be and how to get there.
These 7 simple steps, can help you experience more wellbeing, clarity and fulfilment through a deeply connected life:
7 Steps to a Deeper Connection
1. Become Aware
The more aware you are, the more present you are. Presence gives you to the ability to notice how you spend your time & energy. It also opens you to the power of choice in the moment.
2. Remember to Breathe
Breath carries our life force. When we take the time to breathe deeply, activating the full measure of our chest and diaphragm muscles, the power of breath is maximised. The multiple benefits include regulated emotions, stress & pain levels as well as improved immunity, sleep & oxygen levels. Conscious breathing also has the added ability to bring you into the present where your point of power & focus is most effective.
3. Practice Pausing
We don't all have the opportunity or inclination to spend time in deep meditation, luckily though 'Pausing' (a nifty technique taught by the School of Practical Philosophy), gives us all the benefits of a mini-meditation! Pausing, teaches us to literally pause between activities and take a moment to focus briefly on each of your senses. Once done, you can continue on with your day- except you will be more present, refreshed & ready to go!
4. Go Inward
The practice of checking in with yourself is all about developing self-awareness. A quick daily scan to observe and acknowledge your current state of affairs is a good way to take stock of how you are doing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels that you operate on. Knowledge is Power!
5. Acting or Reacting?
When you are self-aware, you become more in touch with how you act or react to situations. Choosing to act, comes from an expanded space of openness and love; Reacting comes from a constricted space of closing down and fear. Learning to feel and note the differences in your body enables you to make informed and empowered decisions.
6. A Question of Balance
Are you giving and receiving equally in your life? When we lose this balance, we inevitably lose touch or connection with ourselves in some area of our life. Maintaining the balance maintains the connection.
7. The Zen of Discipline
Any successful habit needs to become a lifestyle practice to be fully integrated into your life. Regular practice of the above tools is key to maintaining the deeper connection you are seeking.
The Rewards of a More Deeply Connected Life
As you become more familiar with and conscious of this practice, your ability to deepen your connection becomes second nature.
“The rewards of a Deeper Connection are an improved sense of wellbeing, balance & fulfillment on all levels.
If you enjoyed this article and would like to read more about these tools, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive our 7 Days to a Deeper Connection Free Online Course.